Check/Inspect: Air induction system, fuel system, ignition system including magnetos, exhaust system & lubrication system. Cylinder assemblies. Engine installation including bearers and accessories. Flexible hoses. Engine controls. Propeller and propeller installation.
Clean & re-treat air filter. Plugs clean inside & out; leads’ ‘cradle’. Exh. paint & springs (RVT) & lugs condition [weld rep.] & security. Gearbox oil and level to the lower plug. Spinner, prop locking. Fan belt tension. Inspect rings free, decoke as necessary. Everything safety'd. Clearances in engine compartment. Throttle cables anchored and functional. Fuel Hose routing to avoid heat & bends. Fuel and Oil Hoses proper material. Engine Mount secure, no cracks. All electrical and ignition wires appear correct. Propeller in good condition, no nicks, cracks or damage, safety wired or lock nuts, bolts clear of engine, proper length. Spinner O.K. clear of cowl, not uneven spin.
With panels removed, check/inspect: external coverings, internal structures, control surface attachments, structural attachment joint assemblies and protective treatments. Drain holes. Canopy.
Wash. Wing centre cover & wing zips, tuck ends in. Stick on patches. Screen. Repaint/protect metalwork/fabric with '303'. Skin condition good, no wrinkles, smoking rivets, or loose tape. Doors close securely and open properly. All bolts long enough, minimum 1.5 threads, safety wired.
Landing Gear
Check/inspect: Landing gear assemblies and attachment fittings. Clean and paint as nec. Adjust Cables.
Brake systems, hoses & pipes & Cable turnbuckles wire locked and/or castellated nuts and cotter pins.
Brake cable routing, wheels & tyres (18psi), skids, bungee rubbers. Check spring bolts. Landing gear attachment secure, drag links secure. Tail-Spring secure and clear of rudder, turn springs for wear. Grease tail wheel pivot. Split rims & check 3 tubes for perishing or cracking around the wheel halves’ joint line.
Flying Controls
Check/inspect: Attachments, hinges, brackets, push-pull rods, bellcranks, horns, balance weights, cables, pulleys, chains, fairleads, rollers, tracks & rails, screw jacks. Cable tensions and locking. Control neutrals & travel. Full & free movement in the correct sense.
MOD/193/006: Tail wires’ tang cracks, loosen AN3 bolts & inspect with magnifying X 10 glass.
Control column stem fitting cracks: rollers silicon grease. All split pins. Trim bungee. Friction nut setting O.K.
Cable turnbuckles wire locked and/or castellated nuts and cotter .
Rudder cables condition, use powerful torch, if necessary unlace the rear under cover.
[Pictures actually off a French Rans S6.]

Fuel/Oil Systems.
Check/inspect: Tanks, caps, vents & drains. Hoses, pipes, valves, cocks, filters and water traps. Float bowl. Gascolator functional and safety wired. In-Line Filter clean.Labelling:- Taps on/off & fuel type.
Syphon detritus from main tank. Fuel drains Fuel Vent System contains no loops which would block venting. Fuel Line routing & proper material and diameter, protected from chafing, routing avoids areas of heat.
Cockpit Interior.
Seat Belts & Shoulder harness. Anchor Points firm, no interference. Mounting rails/fixings O.K.
Instruments and Instrument Systems.
Check/inspect: Vacuum system, venturis, filters, pitot static system including pitot head, vents & drains. Instruments & instrument installation including markings, hoses, pipes & wiring. Operation & readings.. Airspeed indicator marked with green/red range marks. RPM Counter, Slip Ball, CHT/ EGT gauge, Altimeter, VSI, Magnetic Compass
Electrical System.
Ignition ON/OFF function.
Check/inspect: Battery, battery installation, vents & drains. Electrical circuits, terminals, fuses & circuit breakers, lights & other electrical equipment. Battery securely mounted & wiring & charged. Switches marked for operation. Antenna properly installed, with proper support. Coax. Cable secured, with slack enough.
Battery Master switch, fuses O.K.
Radio. Check/inspect: Radio, radio installation & aerial.
Aircraft should be lubricated throughout. Seats and belts/harnesses checked for condition. Fire extinguisher checked (if fitted). All controls & switches labelled correctly. Carry out an operational check to all flight critical controls. Check fuel cocks are operable by the pilot in the strapped position. Fuel cocks must be placarded as to their function and sense of operation.
----------------------------------- End ----------------------------------------------
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